BD6tip61-virtual-tour360 created in unity showing inverted sphere exported from Blender

I have been following a 7 part tutorial series 

by "Destined To Learn", 

which is well written. Easy to create a working replica by duplicating the project in unity.

Find the series here

Which I highly recommend. I am happy with the final result as a great first project for me.

With only a basic understanding of unity, following this series I have successfully created what is described in the tutorial.

I recommend that if you try it. First download the invertedsphere model from the link provided. I did not and it took twice as long.

Download assets here:

First by using model created in unity, only showed grey on cameraview, error below

When using mesh sphere created in unity. 
Where normals will be on the outside wrong for this project.

Only then realizing it was the normals and seeking the answer to the problem.

By finding a youtube video explaining, why it was the normals facing outside, but not inside if the sphere as created in unity. I created sphere in blender, adding normals inside, importing the FBX model into unity. Fixing the project to show the 360 image on the sphere on part2 of the tutorial.

Link to explanation here

provided by LHMPLOY, many thanks. 

After that was fixed......

I created my own sprites as PNG files, so I could eventually create my more.

The sprites provided in the download above are PSB/PSD, which I had to lookup. Found out they are Adobe photoshop files. I have no access to Photoshop.

My Sprites created in Paint3D, using white and enabling transparent canvas to the png

So it took me longer. I am please with the final result.

my own sprites, created in Paint3D

Full thanks for creating the tutorial goes out to James at 

"Destined to Learn"

I added a quit button,
in the tourmanager.cs

my result
